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Hello and welcome to the Reception webpage!

Please find below all important information regarding our timetable and key people. Then scroll down to come and explore some of the activities the children have been getting up to in their first half term! 

We have had lots of fun so far!

Key Information


Apple ClassMrs ChorltonMr Kay (Friday), Miss Owen & Miss Watson

Pear ClassMrs Hancock, Mrs Robson & Miss Beck 

Our Intent Statement 

Here at Whitecote in our Early Years provision we want children to foster a love of learning in a safe, nurturing and positive environment. This is provided through a stimulating holistic curriculum of well thought out topics, following children’s interests and through first-hand experiences. The natural learning environment both inside and outside promotes and stimulates children’s resilience, curiosity and creativity. We encourage independence through the characteristics of effective learning and create awe and wonder through stimulating learning opportunities as well as enjoying the simple things such as jumping in muddy puddles. Our provision is enhanced through strong parent and carer partnerships which celebrate children’s achievements and individual milestones. This allows children to flourish and reach their full potential, as they take on the next steps of their learning into Key Stage One and beyond.


Indoor PE will be on a Thursday morning. Children are to come into school on this day in their PE kit.


Homework tasks will be sent out via tapestry or in book bags. Reading books will be sent out after the children have started phonics and we have done an initial assessment. 

Welcome to Reception

Take a peek into our classrooms...

Our First Day in Reception

The children settled in right away!

Celebrating Me Festival

We enjoyed a lovely 'festival' day, where the children celebrated their individuality - enhanced by a stay and play session with their loved one.

Bramley and us

The children have really enjoyed learning about their local area. They have tried to learn their address to find them on Google Maps. They planned a route from home to school, discussed local landmarks and finished the topic by drawing their own maps!

Our Provision

The children enjoy varied areas of provision within their day, accessing construction, water play and phonics activities to name a few! Activities are planned on a half-term basis supporting the children's interests whilst focusing on key learning in our curriculum and the technical skills they need to have a good level of development.