Year 4
Hello and welcome to the Year 4 webpage!
4 Beech
Class teacher - Miss Mumby
Teaching assistants - Miss Roberts
4 Ash
Class teacher - Mrs McGuinness
Teaching assistants - Miss Best & Mrs Maltby
As we go swimming in year 4, we have one other PE session in school which will either be indoor or outdoor for a half-term, so that by the end of the year the children will have spent equal amounts of indoor and outdoor PE.
Indoor PE - Monday – plain black shorts, plain white t-shirt, plain black jumper or zipped jacket and trainers. No earrings.
Swimming – Friday – swimming costume (no bikinis) and swimming shorts (above the knee), towel, bag to carry things in. No earrings.
Children may bring goggles for swimming if they prefer to wear them. Unfortunately, Bramley Baths are unable to lend any goggles at this time. Children are also allowed to bring a brush or comb for their hair; however, deodorant is not allowed. Long hair must be tied up for swimming lessons.
As we walk to and from Bramley Baths, it is essential that the children bring a waterproof coat and sensible footwear in case of bad weather.
Children need to come to school in their PE kit on Thursday and will stay in it for the whole day. In colder weather, it would not be appropriate to wear shorts all day, so we recommend that children come to school with their outdoor jogging pants over the top of their shorts and that they wear their school cardigan or jumper to keep them warm.
For all PE sessions, earrings must be removed, so if your child cannot take them out themselves, then it is best not to wear them on PE days.
Please make sure you read your child's school reading book with them as often as possible. We recommend at least 20 minutes per day. Reading is a 'building block' on which much of their other learning rests, and regular reading at home makes a huge difference in the classroom. If you sign their diary when they have read with you, they can earn a sticker on the class Reading Leaderboard and earn prizes.
Spellings will be learnt and tested each week. Usually, the lists will be given out each half-term.
This term, we will be using Emile ( to support the teaching and learning of spellings. Please support your child by helping them to learn their spellings at home. Here are the spellings for the first half-term (September 2024). Please note that some children may be given an individual set of spellings rather than the ones below.
Spellings - Autumn 2
Maths - Times Tables
Each child has an account on ‘Times Tables Rockstars’ (login details can be found in the front of your child’s reading diary) that they can access at home - there is also a 'Times tables Rockstars' app that you can download to your phone or tablet
Please note: Each child has an account on ‘Times Tables Rockstars’ (login details can be found in the front of your child’s reading diary) that they can access at home - there is also a 'Times tables Rockstars' app that you can download to your phone or tablet
Teachers may also set homework on TTRS and other tasks as they arise.
It is a school expectation that this homework is completed on time each week.
Autumn Term 2 - The Romans
Hadrian's Wall