Year 5
Hello and welcome to the Year 5 webpage!
The 2 classes in Year 5 are 5 Chestnut and 5 Elm. Miss Webb, along with Mrs Hanley and Miss Buller are the staff in 5 Chestnut while Miss Caulfield, Mrs Mollet and Miss Lloyd are in 5 Elm.
Indoor PE is on Tuesday and Outdoor PE is on Friday for Autumn 2. Children need to come to school in their PE kit on the appropriate days and will stay in these for the whole day. They will not get changed at school at the moment. As the weather is getting warmer, children may wear short for PE.
In Year 5 children will need to read every day, they can practise times tables on as well as their weekly spellings. Teachers will also set homework on Class Dojo and other tasks as they arise.
Times Tables Rockstars
Each child has an account that they can access at home - there is also a 'Times tables Rockstars' app that you can download to your phone or tablet. It has been proven that those children who use these perform better in school and In tests.
Children should read for at least 10 minutes every night. If you sign their diary when they have read with you, they can earn a sticker on the class Reading Leaderboard and earn prizes.
It is a school expectation that this homework is completed on time each week.
The main topic in history and geography this half term will be India. Science will develop the children's understanding of materials.
In DT we will be making a model of a Viking village.
Trip to Murton Park 2023
Year 5's re-enactment of the Battle of Hastings!